Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thing 14

I chose to explore Bubbl.us and Flowchart.com at first. I wasn't able to figure out Flowchart.com or at least I didn't see the significance in it, so I looked at Gliffy. I was more happy looking at this website. I enjoyed how many different things you could choose to make. There were so many different choices from Venn diagrams to even floor plans for a house. I definitely think I could see myself using this is my classroom. Making Venn diagrams are helpful in math so this would be a good alternative to just drawing one. This website would have been beneficial several weeks ago when I had to make a Venn diagram for a class.

I also made a flowchart on Bubbl.us. I just made something simple to see how it worked and I was kinda surprised how easy it was. All you had to do was hot command+enter to create a new line or tab to add another point to that line. You could also change the colors of the different points to prevent confusion.

I really enjoyed both of these sites. They were both easy to use and I think my students would be able to use these in my class. I look forward to using these again whether it be in college or my
own classroom.

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